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How to Make Your Groom Feel Special on Your Wedding Day

Weddings can unintentionally focus on the bride. How do you make your Groom feel special on your wedding day?

  1. Write letters to him to give on your wedding day.

    • Write him a series of letters to open when he wakes up on your wedding day, after he gets dressed, and 15 minutes before the ceremony. If you don’t want to write multiple, just write him one!

  2. Record a video for him on your wedding day telling him you love him.

  3. Have the groomsmen and family send him a quick video wishing him well.

  4. Brainstorm with him and your photographer together to make a fun shotlist of photos for him and his groomsmen.

    • This is important. Typically grooms aren’t a part of photography consultations and sometimes the wedding day is the first time they are meeting their photography/videography team. Since he will be taking photos on and off all day it is really important he and the photographer have a good rapport so he can feel comfortable. Spending a lot of time with a stranger you might have to make small talk with is not fun!

  5. Incorporate some of his favorite things in the wedding day.

    • This could be a custom drink named after him, one of his favorite foods on the menu, a token of his favorite hobbies on the sweetheart table.

  6. Make sure he is a part of the planning and schedule creation

    • By having a mutual part in the decision-making process and by having him coordinate with the timeline/schedule creation, he can go into the wedding day confident and familiar with how things will look and feel and what expectations the schedule has of him and his groomsmen.